My Background
Jonathan S. Fenn
Thank you for visiting my website. My name is Jonathan S. Fenn, and I grew up in a family of stamp collectors and Chinese scholars. My great grandfather, Courtenay H. Fenn was an American missionary in China, and compiler (author) of The Five Thousand Dictionary, a widely used basic Chinese-English dictionary that has gone through numerous reprints. His Chinese name was 芳泰瑞 (Fang Tairui). His son (my grandfather), Henry Courtenay Fenn, was a well known professor and architect of Yale University's Chinese language program.
Henry was an avid Chinese stamp collector and I inherited his Chinese stamp collection. Unfortunately, I did not inherit his language skills and have never spoken a word of Mandarin, but I have carried on my family's China legacy by expanding our collection of Chinese stamps and learning about Chinese philately. I have collected stamps since kindergarten and now actively invest in Chinese stamps. I want to buy your Chinese stamps now for cash.
I also buy stamps from other Asian areas such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, Tibet, Korea, Shanghai, The Treaty Ports (Wuhu, Amoy, Foodchow, Chungking, Ichang, Nanking, Kewkiang, and Chingkiang) and Thailand. Click here for more detailed information on the stamps buy. I am a member of The China Stamp Society and American Philatelic Society ( #227518). I strictly adhere to all of their ethical and business conduct standards.
Henry Courtenay Fenn while in China